In this part of the series we will explore the possibilities of green energy and making your surroundings more energetic in a sustainable way. Again, the point should be noted is initiation and execution without it Sustainability will just be another dead notion. It is our responsibility to make it more than that!

Reduce Energy:

Reducing the electricity bill is not only good for the environment, it’s good for your bottom line. Here are some quick and easy ways to save energy in the office:

1. Make sure your office temperature is the right balance of comfort and cost, by setting the thermostat a few degrees lower in winter and a few degrees higher in summer

2. Walk around the office and see which areas are being heated or cooled unnecessarily, such as storage areas

3. Install energy efficient light globes in the office and consider sensor lighting for bathrooms and other places that don’t need to be constantly lit

4. Switch off TVs, lights and equipment when they’re not being used and disable screen savers—computers screens should go to sleep when they’re not in use

5. Close applications that you don’t use regularly on your computer and change the setting so they don’t open on login

6.  Use laptops instead of desktops as they use less energy

7. Turn down the brightness setting on your computer screen to a level that’s both comfortable and energy efficient.

Add Plants :

Adding some greenery to your office can do more than brighten up your office interior design. Psychologists at Exeter University found that employees are happier and perform better when living plants are added to the workplace, with a 15% increase in productivity and significant improvements in memory retention and other basic tests.

Plants also emit oxygen and reduce air pollution, making the air in your workplace cleaner and healthier to breathe. It can also reduce noise pollution, which is particularly important in an open-plan workplace. Try to use pot plants evenly around the office, so everyone can enjoy the benefits of nature.

 Choose Sustainable Suppliers:

Many suppliers understand that customers are looking for green products, so look at what your business purchases on a regular basis and see if there’s a more sustainable option. This may include natural bathroom or kitchen products, biodegradable cleaning products and recycled stationery.

Think about how far the products travel to reach you and see if there’s a local business offering a similar product to reduce your carbon footprint. Before procuring services, ask whether they have an environmental policy in place or relevant ISO certifications. Gaining accreditation through the Green Building Council can also let your customers know that you’re committed to maintaining a sustainable workplace.